When Dad Taught Youth Group

When Dad Taught Youth Group

To celebrate the release of the new Person of Jesus Study -- Student Edition, we asked John Miller, Paul's oldest son, to join us for a conversation about how the study got its start when John was a senior in high school. Curious to learn more?

  • Read an article John wrote about his experience with The Person of Jesus study.
  • Watch a recording of a webinar about how seeing the Person of Jesus can help students -- and all of us -- become more human. 

"I did this sabbatical on the person of Jesus where I just studied the gospels…and one of the things that struck me was how alive Jesus was when you actually paid attention to him as a person. I thought 'if our teenagers could get a hold of this, it would create a a reality in their minds that you couldn't take away.'"

"I wanted to imprint John with the person of Jesus."

"I didn't realize that over all these different weeks, I had gotten to know Jesus. Watching his death was really hard...[After that lesson], I had a week where my friend had died and it was weird just walking around. The only thing I could get myself to understand about what had happened was that Jesus, who was my Lord and savior, whom I'd already given my life to, had now become my friend, and my friend had died. I knew that Jesus was alive. I knew he conquered the grave, but in that moment for me, my friend was dead."