How We're Thinking and Praying about COVID-19

How We're Thinking and Praying about COVID-19

If you'd like to get an email each time we add an episode, sign up here. In this episode, we take a break from our current series and discuss how we're thinking and praying about COVID-19.

“God in his wisdom is kind of bringing a poverty on the entire world. It’s striking, especially in America. We have a Declaration of Independence so it’s written in to our seminal documents that we should not be constricted by anybody. And yet God is constricting us."

"I'm not saying the virus is a beautiful thing, but all suffering for those of us who are in Christ can be drawn up into the dying of Jesus."

"The only way he can make us weak is to overload all our well-oiled systems. And that’s what’s happening in all of our lives to different extents. And we are surrounded by people who are also overloaded. People are losing their work, coming under financial stress. So it’s not only something that teaches us to love, it opens up doors, opportunities to love."