Conversation with Pilate: The Mock

Conversation with Pilate: The Mock

In this episode, we shift our focus to Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18.

“Pilate asks Jesus, 'Are you the King of the Jews?' Almost everybody takes that at face value, but it is almost certainly a mock. Let’s think about it. Everyone in this situation knows Jesus is not the King of the Jews ... Pilate is mocking Jesus. After this scene, the joke, 'Is Jesus King of the Jews?' goes all through the narrative."

"Seeing Pilate's mock for what it is deepens the darkness of this moment in Jesus' life and cautions us about participating in darkness with our own mocking."

“For guys in particular, the faux intimacy of mocking can give the illusion that we’re close when we aren’t and keep us from developing genuine intimacy; it can even begin to redefine intimacy as mocking."