Jesus Says No to Making Bread

Jesus Says No to Making Bread

Paul, Robert and Liz look at how Jesus says no to the first of Satan's three temptations. 

“Jesus is saying no to immediate gratification, and he's saying yes, in this case, to hard work He's not escaping the incarnation that he's in. He's staying within the garden that his Father has given him; he's not trying to get out of that garden.”

“We are made for our Father's words.”

“If you have a hard relationship, you really should have one or two good friends that you could go to to ask their advice. My rule is if I've told two people, I’m right on the edge, and if I’ve told three people, I probably need to go talk to the person. It's good to have someone you can unload with, but it can be tempting to eat sympathy as a kind of bread. Our life comes from Christ."